NUT 50K & 17M

"Brutiful" uphill, point-to-point, 50K & 17M races on the North Umpqua Trail

Aug 28th

50K (2021)

Due to the forest closures related to the still-burning Jack Fire, the 50K course will now start at Toketee Lake instead of Marsters Bridge. To make up the distance lost with this move, racers will continue on the North Umpqua trail further east than the usual course, for just under 7 miles, and then turn around and come back on the same trail to the dam, and then finish as normal.

The 50K course runs alongside the beautiful North Umpqua River, on the North Umpqua River Trail (NUT). The trail is technical and mostly uphill, except for the flat out-and-back section that was added onto a portion of the NUT never used in this race. You’ll be riverside for much of the course, but there are times when you climb up above and look down onto the water. You start at a lake and finish at a lake.

The modified 50K course has 5,600 feet of gain. The start is at Toketee Lake and the finish is at Lemolo Lake.

Course Map & Description

Please look at this interactive map where you can zoom in and out and change the layers. For reference, you can see the original course, with the fire activity visible.

The BLM also has an interactive site that explains the different trail segments.

Start to Aid Station 1 (Dread & Terror)
You begin by crossing the North Umpqua River and running alongside it for about 1.7 miles where you’ll pop out onto a gravel road (Road 3401). You will run along this dirt/gravel road for 1.5 miles before meeting the trail again after the Hot Springs. This is the longest stretch of road you will run on. You are now on the “Dread and Terror” section of the North Umpqua Trail – named by two rangers in 1908 – in reference to the disagreeable possibility of fighting forest fires in the impenetrable thickets of white thorn brush in the area and the steep canyon. You will pass Surprise and Columnar Falls and other unique forms of flowing water. The aid station this year is just up from the NUT, at the top of a brief but steep climb at the Thorn Prairie trailhead.

Aid Station 1 to Aid Station 2 (Canal)
Leaving the Dread and Terror aid station, you go back down that short trail to rejoin the NUT. You continue following the river in the narrow canyon slowly gaining elevation. There are a few steep and longer climbs a couple miles out from the aid station, the last being immediately after crossing the North Umpqua River for the final time on a bridge that is a little wonky from a big tree fall a few years ago. The climb is steep. Be prepared. It will surprise you. The Canal aid station is next to the canal at the White Mule/Lemolo Falls Trailhead at Road 2610.

Aid Station 2 to Aid Station 3 (Kelsay Valley)
You will cross over the road and run on a part of the North Umpqua River trail that hasn’t been a part of the race before now. This section travels on the north side of Lemolo Lake, staying pretty flat. You will cross and run on a road for a brief moment before getting back onto the NUT til you get to the Kelsay Valley trailhead and horse camp, where your final aid station awaits.

Aid Station 3 to the Finish
Leaving the aid station, you’ll return the way you came until your reach a junction where you’ll turn left to come out onto the road to cross the Lemolo Lake Dam. Right after the dam, you turn left onto a trail that follows near the lake, past some camp spots and near the cabins, before the final short climb to the finish line!

Elevation Profile

The 50K has 5,600′ of elevation gain.


Aid Stations

There are three aid stations along the course. Aid stations offer your typical ultra fare: PB&J, crackers and cookies, pretzels, pickles, fruit, GU gels, GU electrolyte drink, soda, and water. Runners are welcome to carry their own food too.

Go Beyond Racing is cupless. You’ll need to bring your own cup for liquid aid at all aid stations. You can refill bladders and bottles too. Read more about what it means to be cupless.

Aid Station Segment
Crew Access Cutoff
Dread & Terror 8.1 8.1 No
Canal 8.4 16.5 Yes 1:00 p.m.
Kelsay Valley 6.3 22.8 Yes
Finish 7.0 29.8 Yes


There is a 1:00 p.m. cutoff at Aid Station #2 (Canal, mile 16.5). Runners who do not depart prior to 1:00 p.m. are not allowed to continue.

Crew & Pacers

There is crew access at the Canal & Kelsay Valley aid stations. There is no crew access at the Dread & Terror aid station. Crews accessing their runners elsewhere, and runners accepting aid from crew elsewhere will be disqualified.

There is not enough parking to have spectators at the start at Toketee Lake.

Pacers are not allowed.

Drop Bags

Drop bags are not needed for this race.