Rake-A-Thon with Forest Park Conservancy

Forest Park, Lower Saltzman 6064-6086 NW Saltzman Rd, Portland, United States

Join the Go Beyond Racing team on November 16th, as we participate again this year in Forest Park Conservancy's Rake-A-Thon. We'll spend 3 hours in the park, raking leaves and organic matter off of the trails, so they don't hold as much water this winter. This improves the conditions of the trails and also makes […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #1

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 and 7 miles. The route is posted the Monday before the race. These are great for first-time trail racers! Spring Series: Race 1 – April […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #2

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 and 7 miles. The route is posted the Monday before the race. These are great for first-time trail racers! Spring Series: Race 1 – April […]

Bend Trail Series #1

The most fun you can have on a Thursday evening! These simple trail races are a blast. Each one in the Series is at a different trail head and vary in distance between 4 and 7 miles. Sign up for the whole series and drop in to the individual races. The races are a great […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #3

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 and 7 miles. The route is posted the Monday before the race. These are great for first-time trail racers! Spring Series: Race 1 – April […]

Wood You Rather Checkpoint Race

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Unlike almost any other kind of race, this one has no set course. You'll pick up a map of the park with checkpoints identified. You then have two hours to find as many of them as you can, and another half-an-hour to get back to the finish line. Run it solo or form a squad […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #4

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 and 7 miles. The route is posted the Monday before the race. These are great for first-time trail racers! Spring Series: Race 1 – April […]

Bend Trail Series Race #2

The most fun you can have on a Thursday evening! These simple trail races are a blast. Each one in the Series is at a different trail head and vary in distance between 4 and 7 miles. Sign up for the whole series and drop in to the individual races. The races are a great […]

Stumptown Trail Runs Half Marathon & 50K

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

A Portland classic and a fun way to spend the Memorial Day holiday weekend, trail racing in Forest Park. We start with a Half Marathon on Saturday and finish with the 50K on Monday (the only ultra in the park all year!). Whether you've never been in the park, run there weekly, are thinking about […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #5 + Party

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 and 7 miles. The route is posted the Monday before the race. These are great for first-time trail racers! Spring Series: Race 1 – April […]