Elevation Gain and Loss by Race

Go Beyond Races elevation gain and loss

Are you the type of runner that loves the climbs? You are part mountain goat. You can power hike the heck out of a hill. Or are you a downhiller? You take full advantage of gravity and fly down the trail. Quads be damned!

The elevation profile of a race shows you where the course climbs up and when it comes back down. You can see how steep the ups and downs are and where they occur throughout the route, as well as what elevation the race is occurring. The gain number is how much you climb over the duration of the race. The loss number is the total amount you’ll descend. This is helpful in choosing which races to sign up for. You can pick those that play to your strengths or choose one or two that will push you outside your comfort zone. The profile is also useful for planning your day’s strategy; knowing if you’ll need to save a little gas in the tank for a big climb or when to open the throttle.

This chart lists the gain and loss, in feet, for each of our 2019 races. The above graphic is like an elevation profile, but really just shows you the gain and loss for all the races in a more fun way.

Go  Beyond Race Gain Loss
Smith Rock Ascent 50K 4,900 4,900
Smith Rock Ascent 15M 3,500 3,500
Smith Rock Ascent 4M 1,370 1,370
Stumptown 50K 3,900 3,900
Stumptown Half Marathon 2,200 2,200
Wy’east Wonder 50M 7,000 10,000
Wy’east Wonder 50K 4,200 7,100
Mt. Hood 50M 5,600 5,600
Mt. Hood 50K 2,500 2,500
Mt. Hood 25K 1,300 1,300
Volcanic 50K 7,000 7,000
Volcanic 25K 3,200 3,200
Gnar Gnar 6M 2,000 2,000
NUT 100K 11,000 7,900
NUT 50K 5,800 3,100
Mountain Lakes 100M 10,000 10,000
Elk-Kings 50K 5,600 5,600
Elk-Kings 25K 5,300 5,600
Elk-Kings Mountain Marathon 8,200 8,600

Choose wisely grasshopper. Go Beyond races aren’t easy, but that’s why you like them.