2016 Race Calendar

It’s only August and we are receiving a lot of email asking about the dates for our 2016 races. While the permitting process for many of our events doesn’t begin until this winter, we have planned our race schedule for next year and are happy to share it with you here. Put these on your race calendar.


Date Distance Location Registration

Portland Trail Series Spring

05/04/16 Varies 4-7M Forest Park, Portland, OR 10/28/15
Smith Rock Ascent Trail 05/07/16 50K*, 15M*, 4M Smith Rock State Park, OR 10/15/15
Smith Rock Road 05/08/16 Half Marathon & 10K Smith Rock State Park, OR 10/15/15
Trail Factor 05/28/16 Half Marathon Forest Park, Portland, OR 01/05/16
Trail Factor 05/30/16 50K Forest Park, Portland, OR 01/05/16
NUT 100K 06/11/16 100K* N Umpqua River, Glide, OR 11/01/15
Mt. Hood 50 07/09/16 50M* Mt. Hood, OR 01/05/16
Mt. Hood 50 07/10/16 50K* Mt. Hood, OR 01/05/16
Portland Trail Series Summer 07/6/16 Varies 4-7M Forest Park, Portland, OR 04/01/16
Pick Your Poison Relay 07/23/16 12-Hour & 24-Hour Relay Hagg Lake, Gaston OR 08/31/15
Portland Trail Series Fall 08/31/16 5M Forest Park, Portland, OR 07/01/16
Volcanic 50 09/03/16 50+K* Mt. St. Helens, WA 02/01/16
Mountain Lakes 100 09/24/16 100M* Olallie Lake, OR 02/01/16

Elk-King’s 25K/50K

10/15/16 25K* & 50K* Tillamook Forest Center, OR 03/01/16


OK, now we’re getting excited about the 2016 year too!


*Part of the NW Mountain Trail Series.

All dates pending permit approvals.