Wood You Rather

A checkpoint race in Forest Park

May 3rd


There isn’t a course for Wood You Rather. At least not in the usual trail race manner. The park is your course. Oh, and there are no course markings to follow.

Instead, runners are given a map with checkpoints. The trails and topo lines are shown on the map. Using your map, you get to choose which trails you use to get to as many checkpoints as you can.

The checkpoints are manned by volunteers who will mark your map to prove you were there. Don’t loose your map as you’ll turn it in when your finish.

All participants must stay on trail and stay ‘in-bounds’, meaning you cannot go out-of-bounds as marked on the map.

The course distance is determined by the route you choose. It will likely be between 7.5 and 11 miles if you get all the checkpoints.