Lastest Not Fastest

How Far Will It Go? How Far Will You Go?

Oct 4th

Registration Opens April Fools Day ›
Registration closes Sep 27th

Race Details

You don’t have to be FAST,
you just have to be LAST.

The Lastest Not Fastest™ race is a last-person-standing concept, with runners heading out, on the hour, every hour, to complete a 4.13-mile loop on flat trails. That’s a 14:32 pace. If you complete the loop in 40-minutes, you get 19 minutes to rest and get ready for the next loop. Say it takes you 50 minutes, you are still in the race, but you have just 9 minutes to recover. But if it takes you 60 minutes or longer, you are done. Racers will keep at it, running loops every hour, until there is just one runner left standing, er running.

The race is in Washington, on Hamilton Island, beside the town of North Bonneville, in the Columbia River Gorge. The course is a 4.13-mile loop that has just 103 feet of gain. This location provides ample crew space and gives runners easier access to their vehicles during the race. It is just a one-hour drive from Portland, making it easy for friends and family to spectate and support you.

All participants will have their distance result posted to Ultrasignup; you won’t have a DNF unless you don’t complete the very first lap.


$165 (Apr 1 – 14)
$185 (Apr 15 – May 31)
$195 (Jun 1 – Sep 26)

The above is only Go Beyond Racing’s registration fee and does not include Ultrasignup’s processing fees, any taxes, or add-ons you select. Those are included in the prices on the Ultrasignup site.


Please note that there are no transfers to other runners and no refunds. If you need to cancel your registration and it’s more than 30 days prior to the race, you will receive a 50% credit toward a future Go Beyond Racing race. If your cancellation is 30 days or less from race day, there is no credit. By registering, you agree to this Cancellation Policy.

Do you want to race but can’t afford the entry fee? We can help with our Trail Mix Fund.


October 4, 2025 

  • Start Location: Hamilton Island, Washington (near the boat ramp parking)
  • Arrival time: Starting at 7:30 a.m., please do not arrive prior
  • Bib Pickup: Saturday at race start 7:30-8:30 a.m. (photo ID required)
  • Race briefing: 8:45 a.m.
  • Start: 9:00 a.m.
  • Finish: When there is one runner left standing


This last person standing race occurs on the trails around Hamilton Island, in the scenic Columbia River Gorge. We’re on the Washington side of the river, so there are stunning views of the Oregon side and the river. You will witness amazing sunrise(s) and sunset(s).

The route is 4.13-mile loop that takes you alongside the mighty Columbia River before heading into a forested area near the Bonneville Dam. There are some historical markers you can pause to read if you have time as you wind around the eastern end of the route. About half way, you’ll cross the road (watch for cars) and then encounter the one big hill – it’s about 30 feet high. You’ll scoot around the southern end of the small town of North Bonneville and then move into the open fields on the western end the island. At about 3.5 miles you’ll pop out at the end of the parking lot and run on the trail just above the river, to the other end of the parking area, where you started.

Click to see the interactive Caltopo map.

Runners must start each loop on the hour. You cannot start and then go back to your crew/car to rest or refuel and then head out later. All runners start at the same time each hour. If racers leave the course during that hour, they are done. It is ok to take aid with you when you start a loop and pause somewhere along the course to rest, but you must stay on the course to do so.

The trails and area is open to the public during the race. You can expect to see walkers, fishermen, and other users on the trails and in the parking areas.

Aid Station

There is one aid station, located at the start/finish area, stocked with Precision Fuel gels, Precision Hydration electrolyte drink, water, soft drinks, PB&Js, potato chips, pickles, Fritos, gummy bears, Oreos, fruit, Fig Newtons, M&Ms and other ultra fare. Veggie and meat broth is available during the night, plus other hot, real food starting at 6:00 p.m.

You’ll be returning to this area after each loop, so you can easily set up your own aid station with your favorite foods too.


Crew is optional. The last person standing format of this race is such that crew is not needed and many choose to run it on their own. However, having a friend or two at the start/finish area is sure to motivate you to keep going. They can also help you get ready for that next loop more quickly.

Crew can set up a spot in the parking loop and in the parking spaces that lead into the start/finish line. We need to be sure there is room for all the racers, so be considerate when staking out your personal space. This can include a 10’x10′(max) tent, table, etc. Your crew cannot access you while you are on the course.

Directions & Parking & Vehicles

Hamilton Island and the town of North Bonneville are 46 miles (1 1/4 hours) east of Portland, Oregon. You’ll exit Highway 14 onto Dam Access Road and then turn onto Fort Cascades Drive. Follow this to the race parking.

There is a parking area alongside the river on the southern side of the island. The space for crew to set up is coned off. Parking on either side of this space is for runners who are going solo and will need to access their car during their race. Parking for other racers, crew, and spectators is to the west of the race start/finish area. It’ll be dark when you arrive, so review this information and the layout images so you are familiar with the layout.

There is NO overnight parking or camping the Friday night before the race.

If you are interested in carpooling, you can post here to find or give a ride. This is a Google spreadsheet that is viewable to anyone with the link, so only post what you want public. Carpooling can earn you $5 cash and a $5 drink gift card from Nossa Familia Coffee – read about this program here.


The temperatures are typically fantastic for running far; in the upper 50’s to 60’s. It has gotten into the 70’s this time of year. The lows at night are mostly in the 40’s. Rain isn’t common, but possible. Wind, especially alongside the river, is a possibility too. If you are going to set up a canopy or tent, plan to stake or weight in down. You can check the current conditions.


Awards & Prizes

All participants, except the winner, will receive a special DNF glass. The overall winner will receive prizes from our sponsors. Of course we’ll also have raffle prizes.


We’re all over social media and the trail running community is active:

Like the Lastest Not Fastest Facebook page
Follow Go Beyond Racing on Facebook
Get inspired with the Go Beyond Racing Instagram


We do have a few rules that apply to all Go Beyond Racing races. Be sure you are familiar with them.



Never run a last person standing race and need help getting prepared? Talk to our friends at Wy’east Wolfpack. They provide excellent coaching and training services.


We acknowledge that this race occurs on the traditional homelands of the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs.