Pregnancy Deferral

Congratulation on your pregnancy! We understand the challenges that becoming pregnant and having a baby can have on racing. We have twin boys and Renee vividly recalls her first, very disappointing, run after they were born. Things are just harder, free time is limited, and priorities are very importantly changed.

If you become pregnant, learn that you are pregnant, or adopt a child, after you’ve registered for any of our races, we will defer your entry to that race for two years.

Here is how to acquire a pregnancy deferral:

  1. Email us at least 30 days prior to the race using our contact form. This form is way to contact us for this.
  2. We will remove you from the race and set aside your registration.
  3. In the next two years, from the date you notify us initially, email us again to let us know you are ready to race (woot woot!).
  4. We will set up a comped entry into the race and let you know to then register.
  5. The deferral applies only to the registration and not to pre-ordered merchandise.

This deferral is good for up to two years and applies only to the same race.
In the case of a lottery, you can bypass the lottery, but you must notify us before registration opens for that lottery.
The deferral does not eliminate the need to meet any or all race requirements (i.e. previous 50K, trail work, etc.).