Wilderness First Aid Course

Adventure Medics 62980 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend, OR, United States

SAVE THE DATE Join us for a Wilderness First Aid course, lead by Adventure Medics, in Bend, Oregon. Everyone who spends time in the mountains, deserts, and on the trails […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #1

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #2

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 […]

Bend Trail Series #1

The most fun you can have on a Thursday evening! These simple trail races are a blast. Each one in the Series is at a different trail head and vary […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #3

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 […]

Wood You Rather Checkpoint Race

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Unlike almost any other kind of race, this one has no set course. You'll pick up a map of the park with checkpoints identified. You then have two hours to […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #4

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 […]

Bend Trail Series Race #2

The most fun you can have on a Thursday evening! These simple trail races are a blast. Each one in the Series is at a different trail head and vary […]

Stumptown Trail Runs Half Marathon & 50K

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

A Portland classic and a fun way to spend the Memorial Day holiday weekend, trail racing in Forest Park. We start with a Half Marathon on Saturday and finish with […]

Portland Trail Series Spring #5 + Party

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend a Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park, with your new and current friends. These are low-key events and each race in the series is between 4 […]

Portland Trail Series Summer #1

Forest Park (Leif & Wild Cherry) 4348-4250 NW Leif Erikson Dr, Portland, OR

Spend EVERY OTHER Wednesday evening racing around the trails of Forest Park. These are very low-key race and each route in the series is different and between 4 and 7 […]

Bristow 24/12/6 Hour Run

Elijah Bristow State Park Elijah Bristow State Park, Dexter, OR, United States

If running in loops in your thing, this is the race for you. If not having to chase cutoffs is your thing, this race is for you. If you want […]