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Firelane Trail Trial

May 17 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

A brand new race, and it’s gonna hurt a little. Using a time trial format where ten runners start every ten minutes, racers go the whole up and then the whole down on Firelane 1 in Forest Park. It’s 4.5 miles and just over 1200 feet of gain. #hillyeah

Party at Great Notion Brewing going on during the race, so runners will head there when they finish to watch the livestream of on-course carnage.

Free shuttles provided from Great Notion to the trailhead and back, to make parking easier.



May 17
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
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Go Beyond Racing
Great Notion Brewing


Firelane 1 lower trailhead
4331 NW St. Helens Road
Portland, OR United States
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