Ultrasignup Wait List and Other Helpful Features

This is by far the most common question we get: “Where am I on the wait list?”

Wait List & Entrants List

First, what is a wait list. A wait list is generated when a race sells out. Any registrations that happen after the race is full automatically go onto a wait list, if one is available for that race. People are added to the wait list in order of signing up. As spots become available in the race (meaning someone cancels their registration), we use the wait list to invite another runner in to take that vacated spot. This feature allows us to let as many people run as possible.

The wait list is displayed on Ultrasignup when it is activated. You can see where you are at any time just by clicking on the WAITLIST link on Ultrasignup page for the race. What? There’s a link to see this on Ultrasignup? Sure is! It’s right next to the ENTRANTS link.

Mountain Lakes 100 Ultrasignup registration page

Mountain Lakes 100 entrants list, wait list, and watch links

If you are viewing this on mobile, you may need to expand the menu to see the WAITLIST link. We always display our entrants lists and wait lists right away, but some race directors choose to keep them hidden or wait until the race has more people signed up before displaying them, so you can check with the race organizer if you aren’t seeing it.


If and when you make it to the top of a wait list, and a spot becomes available in the race, we’ll send an invitation, via an Ultrasignup email, that includes a button to accept the invite to move into the race, or to decline the opportunity. If you receive this, please respond right away. If you accept it, your credit card is charged and you are placed on the entrants list. If you decline, your card is not charged and your name is removed from the wait list. If you decline, we move onto the next person on the wait list, repeating until someone accepts the invitation.

We will usually wait a few days before moving onto the next person, and may even send the invite twice, so keep an eye on your inbox and promotion and spam folders if you are on a wait list. We can’t wait for a response from a runner indefinitely because if they eventually decline, there may not be enough time left before registration shuts down to invite another person.

If you didn’t already know or hadn’t inferred from what you just read, you can also see who else is running the race by clicking on that ENTRANTS link. This way you can size up your competition or find a friend to catch a ride with.

Displaying these two lists are a couple of the helpful tools on Ultrasignup. There are a few others we like to point out to people.


Watch Out

The WATCH link lets you sign up to get notified if a race is about to sell out, or when registration is about to open, plus a few other handy notifications like when results are available. This WATCH feature is useful if you are holding out on signing up until you are more sure you can make the race and don’t want to miss out on getting a spot.


Canceling and Credits

Your account profile on Ultrasignup has a few important links in it. The REGISTRATION HISTORY link will show you all the races that you have ever registered for. This is where you can go if you want to cancel a registration. You’ll just click the Delete link next to the race’s name. We ask that you also send us an email when you cancel, via our website form, so that we know to set up the 50% race credit for if your cancellation is more than 30 days out from the race. You can read how our cancellation policy works.

The Registration History page on Ultrasignup also lists any OUTSTANDING CREDITS you have. If you’ve received a race credit, it is listed here, along with its expiration date. Don’t let those go to waste!


Your email address on your profile needs to be correct and current. Many people use a work email address when creating their Ultrasignup account. We suggest using a personal email in case you change jobs or no longer have access to an email account where wait list invites or other important race emails are getting sent. Make sure there are no typos too.

There are a lot of helpful features on Ultrasignup. More than we’ve described here. Go play around and while you’re there, sign up for one of our races.